GLSV awarded US Navy SBIR to develop a launchable mini-glider.


Great Lakes Sound & Vibration recently received a Phase-I SBIR (topic number N231-032) from the US Navy to develop a novel solution for a launchable mini-glider platform capable of supporting various payloads. The glider will be designed for shipboard launches from the deck of various surface vessels and be able to survive a 48-hour service life in up to sea state 6 conditions. The solution will be able to actively maintain position within the water column to measure sound speed profile (SSP) and be able to rise to the surface at a minimum of every 6 hours to transmit the collected environmental data. GLSV will tackle this challenge through building upon the lessons learned through our performed efforts under contract N68335-19-C-0487 (ADC Depth Control System). GLSV will focus critical attention on communication protocols, SSP data collection, and the modular capabilities.